Monday, September 3, 2012

   For the first time ever, I'm reading a book where I want to refer to a character in conversation, or feel like a character in the book. It's an interesting experience, and something I've only read, or seen on TV, but which I have never seen in person.  
   David Copperfield is surprisingly great. Unfortunately, I have a low opinion of the books children are forced to read in school, and this is one of them, isn't it? But, having seen so much Victorian era TV in a short space of time, and surprisingly enjoying it, I decided to read the above mentioned novel. It's better than I could have hoped for.
   One of the aspects I like is how its long, yet not endless feeling.
It's a blog, about stuff of which I think. It could be anything, even nothing. I'm sure we'll all like it a lot.

Currently, I'm into the game Planetary Annihilation.

More importantly, I've come to the realization that while i can depend on others for many things, there are some things which have to be done for oneself. Motivation comes from within.